Where is the perfect place to watch the night view of Tokyo?

Tokyo has a fascinating night view you can look around Tokyo buildings. In Tokyo, there are many places where you can see the night view including such as Tokyo Tower and Tokyo Sky Tree. If you’re looking to soak in the breathtaking views of this vibrant metropolis after dark, here are some of the best …

How to get discount at a Japanese Restaurant

Get a discount before you book a restaurant!This is the perfect guide to get a discount before you book a restaurant. Before I will talk about this in detail, this coupon is limited, and the restaurant you can use is limited due to the booking site. And also before you book, please pay attention to …

For Students who come Japan as a Trip

Choosing Japan as a graduation trip must be a wonderful experience in your life. Japan has many various cities you should go and each city has unique characteristics. Also, Japan has a lot of safe places and you can not waste time even at night. I will describe the benefits to come to Japan as …

[Must-Go] Places to visit together with Mount Takao.

Mount Takao (高尾山) is one of the most accessible natural destinations near Tokyo, offering beautiful hiking trails, serene temples, and stunning views of the surrounding area. Located just about an hour from central Tokyo, it’s a popular spot for both locals and tourists looking for a quick escape into nature without straying too far from …

【Free】5 places that you must go in Tokyo

こんにちは!(Hello!) I’m Keita and I’m From Japan. My name is Keita and I’m From Tokyo in Japan. This article will talk about 10 Places that you should go to for free in Tokyo. While I’m at there, I found many places to enjoy for free at there. So it would be super helpful to enjoy …