How to get discount at a Japanese Restaurant

Get a discount before you book a restaurant!
This is the perfect guide to get a discount before you book a restaurant. Before I will talk about this in detail, this coupon is limited, and the restaurant you can use is limited due to the booking site.

And also before you book, please pay attention to the restaurant name that you would like to book

The Booking Site

This is the booking site that I will recommend and this booking site is mainly for luxury restaurants in Japan. So if you would like to book a restaurant that offers reasonably priced food, please refer to this site(It is under-making).

This is the site I am going to introduce and this site is originally Japanese however you can just use Google translation.

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How to Book?

  1. Click this link and “the current time sale”.

2. Click the area and search where you are currently.

3. Click “the details and reservation”

And follow the instruction.

Tips to find a good restaurant

You can find reviews on various sites, but in Japan, reviews tend to be quite biased. Therefore, when looking at restaurants, it’s important to consider accurate ratings.

On a site like Tabelog, restaurant ratings differ from other platforms. Each person has their own rating standards.

For example, Person A might rate an average restaurant with 3 stars, while Person B gives a similar restaurant 2 stars.

The review of Tabelog take these differences into account, which is why I recommend using Tabelog for a more balanced evaluation!

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