This is the guide when you face an earthquake in Japan

These days, earthquakes have been increasing in Japan and people are sensitive to travel and stay in Japan.

On the other hand, the number of tourists is getting increasing.

So I will explain and give you some helpful guides so you do not get in trouble with Japanese earthquakes.

This is the official Tokyo guide. Please visit there

Secure your safety.

In Japan, people are taught how to respond to earthquakes as part of their education.

To ensure safety, if you’re indoors, you should take cover under a sturdy table and protect your head.

If you’re outdoors, you should move to an open area like a park or schoolyard, away from any obstacles.

And if you are inside, you had better secure an Exit.

During the shaking, doors and windows can become warped and may not open.

It’s important to open the door and secure an exit as soon as the shaking stops.

Avoid Coastal area

In Japan, earthquakes can cause significant damage, but the tsunami that follows can cause even greater devastation.

Therefore, if you are near the coast, evacuate immediately.

Check the evacuation shelter.

In Japan, when an earthquake occurs, evacuation instructions are issued to designated schools, parks, and commercial facilities.

Therefore, if you are staying at a hotel, please ask the hotel staff for guidance.

If that is difficult, please refer to the local disaster prevention map for your area.

This is Tokyo evacuation shelter map.

Booking the flight

In the event of an earthquake in Japan, it becomes difficult to continue sightseeing as everyone tends to panic.

Therefore, it is advisable to cancel your hotel reservations if possible and return to your home country