【Japan Trip】5 Manners in Japan, which you should be careful

This article will talk about 5 Manners in Japan that you should be careful in Japan.

Comparing to the other countries, Japan has unique culture and manner.

So I would like to give you some information of manner in Japan so that you can spend the fun time more and more!

Importance of Quietness in Public Spaces – manners in Japan

In Japan, trains and buses are a common mode of transportation, especially in cities like Tokyo and Osaka.

Passengers are expected to keep their voices low to avoid disturbing others.

While it is advisable to keep quiet when the train is crowded, it is generally acceptable to have a conversation when the train is not crowded, as long as you do not speak too loudly.

However, it is recommended to refrain from conversation near the priority seats (located at the ends of the train cars).

And also Calling on the phone on transportation is strictly prohibited because such a culture does not exist in Japan. So I experienced culture shock when I saw people talking on the phone while riding the train in Vancouver.

If you would like to explore more about the transportation, please visit here

Taking off the shoes – manners in Japan

This cultural difference was one of the culture shocks I experienced when I visited in Vancouver.

In addition to always taking off their shoes at home, Japanese people also sometimes remove their shoes in hotels and restaurants.

In Japan, it is said that the custom of taking off shoes at home has become established because the high humidity leads to the construction of raised entryways to help alleviate moisture.

Don’t pay the tips – manners in Japan

Many people have ever heard this culture difference before.

There is no culture in Japan to pay the tips. In my opinion, the price of our services is included in the price of food therefore we have never cared for the tips.

So you can spend more money instead of paying tips! That’s a good thing to visit in Japan!

Food Manners

In Japan, there are many food manners. Particularly, attention is needed when using chopsticks:

  • Do not stab food with chopsticks.
  • Do not pass food from chopstick to chopstick.
  • Do not take food with chopsticks simultaneously with another person.

In addition to these manners, there are many other etiquettes to be aware of. In my personal opinion, while it is important to observe manners, It is wrong that you care the food manners too much and you can’t enjoy the meals . Therefore, it is important to do what you can within your understanding. However, special care may be necessary in traditional restaurants or inns, or when dealing with Japanese people in a professional setting.

Point at Someone With a Finger

Pointing at someone with a finger is considered rude.

The act of ‘pointing’ is seen as something done by someone in a higher position towards someone in a lower position, and it is perceived as looking down on the person.

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